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Crystal Glass Mirror Stone represents a culmination of techniques and explorations in feedback and is inspired by its relationship to life process and flow. Each of the pieces are based around a single recording of audio feedback derived from a self-oscillating system consisting of modified light-sensitive speakers and computer controlled lights.


The results were generated using algorithmic structures based on feedback-modelled relationships between different musical parts with minimal structural editing. Crystal Glass Mirror Stone traverses the space between tonal structure and timbral dissonance, sometimes erratically, treating pitched audio feedback as a single tonal unit. There is a periodic narrative to the series, with each recording being subsequently transformed by the next iteration of the process.


Crystal Glass Mirror Stone was presented at the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna as hosted by Austrian sound collective TONSPUR, Spazioersetti in Udine, Italy, Cafe OTO in London and Call & Response space at Enclave in South London, where it was auditioned in 13 channel sound.

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